Channel Manager
Connecting your hotel with 100+ travel booking sites including best OTAs (Online Travel Agents), GDSs
(Global Distribution Systems), Vacation Rentals more ,Raspberry Channel Manager is a compelling online
hotel channel manager that effectively automates various types of processes such as online rates and
inventory distribution while minimizing the hassles of overbooking and mismatched inventory. Everything
is integrated!
- Minimize Overbookings
- Competitor Rates Analysis
- Effortlessly Regulate Rate Parity
- Mobile Channel Manager
- Integrated PMS and Booking Engine
- 100+ Travel Booking Channels
- Shares Inventory across channels
- Real Time Updates as Inventory is Sold
- Take advantage of OTA opportunities
- Advance yielding rules
- Gross and Net revenue occupancy and average tracking
- Better control of distribution cost
- Custom reports and download
- Adjust opening and closing of channels according to market demand
- Centralized distribution
- Get insights on historical data and take critical decisions
- Boost business during low demand periods
- Speed to market, saves a lot of time
- Parity assurance
- Reduced manual error rate